Dreaming Big...!

Seeking Life Amidst Chaos...

Breathing in the faith of the unknown... Yet mind swirls around endless thoughts... Heart smilingly strings to thousand beats... ...

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Blooming of a Lotus...!

Deep dark murky water....
Vastness of nothingness looming around….
A feeling of caught in an eerie maze....
Like a tight bud, holding onto faith....
Building on strength that can be gathered....
Counting on each breath to be strong....
Can see something lurking towards me....
The touch of creeper makes me wary….
Sensing it will bind me down soon….
A voice says: Now is the time!
With mighty power, I fight myself out....
Hanging on to the last breath....
I reach to the surface....
Inhaling earthly air, I open my eyes
Looking at the sky, widen my hands in gratitude....

Yes! I reached out from dark to bloom, said the ‘Lotus’

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