Dreaming Big...!

Seeking Life Amidst Chaos...

Breathing in the faith of the unknown... Yet mind swirls around endless thoughts... Heart smilingly strings to thousand beats... ...

Saturday, 30 July 2016

Conversation with the mind....

Me: A fixed question on my mind!
Mind: I'm listening.
Me: What do I need to undersrtand on the meaning of purpose?
Mind: Very simple! It' a reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists within you.
Me: You mean, something that one is passionate about?
Mind: You got it right! What we are truly passionate about, equals to the purpose we keep talking about.
Me: Hmmm, interesting!
Mind: Hmmm, wasn't it easy to understand, my dear one?

Me: Yeah! Smiled with a wink

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Blooming of a Lotus...!

Deep dark murky water....
Vastness of nothingness looming around….
A feeling of caught in an eerie maze....
Like a tight bud, holding onto faith....
Building on strength that can be gathered....
Counting on each breath to be strong....
Can see something lurking towards me....
The touch of creeper makes me wary….
Sensing it will bind me down soon….
A voice says: Now is the time!
With mighty power, I fight myself out....
Hanging on to the last breath....
I reach to the surface....
Inhaling earthly air, I open my eyes
Looking at the sky, widen my hands in gratitude....

Yes! I reached out from dark to bloom, said the ‘Lotus’

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Deep Ocean..!

Sound of the deep ocean....
Waves playfully crashing on the shore....
Whiff of salt lingering in the air....
Sea gulls singing their song....
Walking on the wet sand....
Looking at the endless shore....
No one to be seen....
Am I going to find a friend here?!
Turning around, seeing my foot prints....
I know my own soul friend...
Is already walking behind me...

The Grey Sky..!

Heavy grey clouds…
Like our dark thoughts…
Lingers on for a while…
Time ticks by…
And they fade out…
Feeling eased…
The mind exhales a peaceful sigh....

Yes! At times, we feel stuck. Feeling directionless and demotivated! It's fine to step back for a while and re-evaluate our life plans, maybe there are new changes to done, etc. Hmmm, but it's ok if someone we know is heading faster towards their goals, because we were not a part of it. If everyone’s journey would have been the same, the road would have huge potholes on it. As our life cycle keeps changing, our perception to explore and discover life gets quieter and deeper, finally understanding – our life is about us! It begins and ends what you make of it!!

Nothing is permanent in our life!

Sorrows...worries...insecurities...hatred...jealousy these emotions are fleeting ones. One moment you feel them deep and next moment you won't remember them. Just like raindrops drops on the grass, one by one will roll into the earth, absorbing all of it without any trace, taking the weight off the grass for a while till it rains again on it. But, the hardness of the rain shower doesn't destroy the grass, because the deep roots act as a base foundation which keeps it strong, different seasons will pass over it, yet it will still survive. So, yes, nothing is permanent!