Dreaming Big...!

Seeking Life Amidst Chaos...

Breathing in the faith of the unknown... Yet mind swirls around endless thoughts... Heart smilingly strings to thousand beats... ...

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Seeking Life Amidst Chaos...

Breathing in the faith of the unknown...
Yet mind swirls around endless thoughts...
Heart smilingly strings to thousand beats...
The wise spirit knows its eternal secrets...
The eyes sparkle to incomparable wonders…
Amidst chaos, life silently learns to seek the present moment...

Monday, 3 April 2017

Dreaming Big...!

"She was a dreamer...
But knew life was not about fairytale endings...
She knew the world was not like an oyster...
She knew what it meant to be powerful and yet gentle like a soothing wave...
She knew life is not always walking on rough road...

She faced it alone, making it on her own...
She was a dreamer...
She could already see her beautiful journey ahead...." 

Thursday, 16 February 2017

"One of those moments...
By the sea side...
Sitting in deep consciousness...
Watching the sun go down...
Keeping my eyes fixed on it...
In my mind I begin the countdown...
Within few seconds it's gone...
To rise somewhere else...
Giving the same warmth and light...
That I enjoyed throughout the day...

With eyes closed I relax myself...
Soaking my being to its surroundings...
I hear a voice.... a gentle motherly whisper...
'I love you' she says...

I see you everyday walking on loose sand...
Trying to get your steadiness right...
I love to see the look in your eyes when you admire me...
I enjoy your thoughts when you silently talk to me...
I love when you suddenly stop in your tracks to capture my mood...
You know me so well.... dear one....

I love when you appreciate all that I produce in my womb...
You pick them and place it on your palm...
You play with the little ones when they dig into the wet sand...
I love to see you playing with my waves...
And how you jump over them... your silliness makes me laugh...

Your breathe in the salty air and listen to the soothing waves...
All by yourself....
With no care in the world...
You just love me without any prejudice...
You respect me...

Yes! I do have my moods and you notice it...
Everyday you notice how the landscape of the shore changes...
You ask me 'Mother Nature is everything ok with you'?...
You send me love...
I appreciate it...

But than at times you wonder...
What about me?...
I'll be gone soon...
And no one will know me...
How wrong you are?!...
You have already left your imprints on me...
Which I'll always remember and nurture...

Yes! It's true!...
I'll be around till the next millennium...
Don't forget 'I AM Mother Nature'...
And I never forget my children...
My womb is unconditional...." 

You Are Not Meant For Everyone And It's 'OK'!

Our world is filled with different people, some of them hate you to the core, some of them love your fiercely, some will get joy looking at your weakness. But all people are meant for you or to be in your life, don't waste time trying hard to convince about your value in their life, don't sell yourself short. Keep them aside, don't get into unwanted conflict, it will take forever to heal both ends. You have the right to choose either live life easy or complicate it. Find your soul tribe, talk to people who will hear you out, meet people who will share your sacred path, keep people in your life who will help you face your own truth, love people who are meant for you, celebrate along with them when everything feels right, be there even when its too ugly to handle, applaud their thoughts/emotions when it syncs with yours, when you are among your tribe, it feels like a gift! So, its OK when you are not meant for everyone!