Dreaming Big...!

Seeking Life Amidst Chaos...

Breathing in the faith of the unknown... Yet mind swirls around endless thoughts... Heart smilingly strings to thousand beats... ...

Monday, 11 May 2015

Human Mind!! No Good!!

Why do we get stuck with 'its too late' thought emotion? Do we relate it to age or the mind gives too much negative strenght to the thought that we tend to put a full stop simply because we refuse to think more on it to give a try? Ain't it like sweeping under a carpet,trying hard to forget? Why can't we defy our mind and prove it we're the one who are in control of our own thoughts and not vice versa?! Human mind!! Damn!! No good!! 

What Is Love?

Let's admit: We all want love in our life. We want to be loved. But it makes us realise along with love in our mind, comes in our own set of fears, insecurities, expectations and with these negative emotions revolving around us, we mess it up, fail to understand, to enjoy the simple form of love.....

Let's admit: We keep hearing about unconditional love. Do we know what it means? It simply means loving without any expectations, full stop!! But have we ever given love a chance, to understand the term 'unconditional'? Why don't we allow the ego mind to rest, so we give ourselves completely into? Yes, we can, 'only' if we start taking tiny steps to love our self in a unconditional way, firstly and foremost everything begins within us - our inner self......If we agree!!

So the question here still remains! What is love?! Wouldn't it be good to feel and express the emotion without any barriers? Of course, it can, because love is purely universal and no one owns it!!

Celebration In Itself!

Celebrating doesn't necessarily mean enjoying a particular day or event in our life! If we want, each day can be a celebration.... But the moment we wake up, the thought of tomorrow rises in our mind hurrying away not even kowing what today can be.... Let us learn to go easy on ourselves...Let us be in the now...Let us understand each day what it mean...Let us give our face a chance to relax and ease off the tension lines..... Let us celebrate each second, minute and hour, till we call it a day...Don't not let time rule our day...Let us learn what it means to live and let live, that should be our motto every single day! Cheers to our lives!!