Dreaming Big...!

Seeking Life Amidst Chaos...

Breathing in the faith of the unknown... Yet mind swirls around endless thoughts... Heart smilingly strings to thousand beats... ...

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Letter To Universe...

Dear Universe,

First of all let me show my gratitude to you for everything that you have always blessed me with unconditionally from your side and which I so many times have failed to notice it.

It does make me realize, that you have given me so much without me understanding I have what is needed at this very moment but like every other human being, all I did was complain and get angry at you cause I felt let down and sad thinking that what I used to ask for I never received maybe I was asking for the wrong wishes, in fact I have done this numerous times but you have been a great friend, always giving me signs that you are there for me in your way, now I have come to understand you J

Lately I have started appreciating you more knowing how wonderfully awesome you are, and I see you have a big followers who equally praise and worship you. I know you hear me all the time talking to you ,you have become my trust worthy friend who doesn't judge me at all, you know your ways and the right time as when to surprise me with your wonders, that is how you are! We all know it by now!! J

I know you have your wonderful plans planned for me and I am excited to receive them all and see it happening and put into action....You want to see everyone around happy, isn't it? 

I want to thank you now and also thanking you in advance for all the awesome good things you are going to send my way and I just can't wait knowing how wonderful it is going to be, you will take good care of me and be there till I breathe...All I need to do is put my faith and trust in my friend..!

My universe, you will always be appreciated, loved by me and of course all the others out there , my whole being is filled with gratitude that I have for you...

And also thanking you on others behalf as well...Many out there don't understand your magical ways ;)

And will always remember your words “Ask...Believe...And Shall Receive”

As for me, you are my genie and I truly love you!

Thank you ‘Universe’


Saturday, 20 July 2013

All About 'LOVE'...!!!

Love...!!!! Is an unconditional selfless expression...!!

Love...!!!! Makes our world go round...!!

Love...!!!! Brings out the best in you..!!

Love...!!!! It nourishes our soul..!!

Love...!!!! Helps you to attract your soul mate..

Love...!!!! Teaches us to accept others without judgement..!!

Love...!!!! Makes you go crazy thinking of that someone special...!!

Love...!!!! Brings out the best in you...!!

Love...!!! It heals you from all other emotions..!!

Love...!!!! It spreads its joy around us...!!

Love...!!!! Is all about giving and receiving...!!

Love...!!!! Always makes you feel brand new...!!

Love...!!!! It changes everything about you..!!

Love...!!!! Makes you feel as though its the first time..!!

Love...!!!! Takes away all the stress from you..!!

Love...!!!! It makes your body bloom from within..!!

Love...!!!! Makes your mind feel light headed..!!

Love...!!!! Is all about smiling endlessly..!!

Love...!!!! Is all about living it each day..!!

Love...!!!! Makes you feel compassionate towards others..!!

Love...!!!! Makes you feel more proactive..!!

Love...!!!! Is teaches us to care about others..!!

Love...!!!! That's what our life is all about..!!

Love...!!!! That's what the world needs..!!

Love...!!!! Love...!!!! Love...!!!! That's ALL we need..!!!!


Friday, 19 July 2013

The Climb In Our Life.....!!

Our dreams....Our desires....Our wishes...Our destination...Our choices...Our life..!!!

To achieve this we have to pass through so many hurdles like climbing and crossing over multiple mountains and keep moving each of it in the form of challenges, struggles, sweat and reach our destination that we so desire.....

But at times, are we strong enough to keep climbing and moving the mountains? What if we just give up getting tired to climb further on the mountain? We may not know!!! In between we lose the direction we plan to take by listening to the little voice in our mind that says " You'll never reach there"...But we have to keep trying, keep pushing ourselves to face and jump over each hurdle that comes in our way just like the sportsman who runs on the track jumping over every hurdle and with all his will power and strength and reaches the final line to win it (that final line could be our own destined plan we chalk out for us).

All we have to do is be so strong for ourselves and have faith cause there are always going to be mountains and mountains to climb and reach the other side that waits us...It is not about how fast we are going to reach there, it is how strong our beliefs are that no matter how hard or long it is going to take it shouldn't let us break...The struggles that we might face and the chance that we take shouldn't bring us down to lose the faith to move the mountains which are always going to be there in front of us, there is no denying to it...There might be moments that we think our own struggles we might lose strength in our limbs, but no, we can't let it happen, because we all come a long way pushing, climbing, striving to reach the desired finish line...!! 

Then, comes the day in our life when we become nostalgic and turn back just to take a glimpse to what we faced and proved to ourselves and proudly smile thinking the mountains didn't break us but made us as what we are supposed to be and gain from it...! But yet, it doesn't end here simply because there are always going to be other different mountains everywhere around us...Let's keep climbing each one of it till we breathe...!!

The climb is all about climbing and taking each mountains as it comes in life...!!

Keep the faith, keeping moving, keep climbing...!!!


Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Logic Thinking..?? It Does Help..!!

Let's get started..!!

Logic..!!! Make peace with your past so it doesn't spoil your present, about the future? Well, I would say just crush the past underneath your feet, it deserves to be there..!!

Logic..!!! What others think of you is none of your business, and it shouldn't be..!! So better to mind our own business and others theirs..!! What say? :)

Logic..!!! Time heals almost everything, give the time, some time...So, let us go easy on ourselves to heal, nothing happens over night..!! Time is the best 'healer'..!!

Logic..!!! No one is the reason of your happiness, except you 'yourself'....If you can't be happy and love yourself within then you won't feel the same for others..!!

Logic..!!! Don't compare your life with others, you have no idea what their journey is all about...So, Let us keep others life aside and concentrate on our self to achieve the best..!!

Logic..!!! Stop thinking too much its alright not to know all the answers...Some answers are best left alone it might be too critical to accept it...Give the mind its deserved rest..!!

Logic..!!! Smile, you don't own all the problems in the world..Keep smiling and lets give the world a chance to smile along with you..!!

Logic..!!! Our life is simple, let us not complicate it by our own unpractical way of thinking..!!

Logic..!!! We have a logical mind so lets make use of it in a beneficial way to avoid too much complications in life..!!

Logic...!!! Having a logical mind saves us from many disasters in life..!!

Logic..!!! Life is anyways short to waste your time with unwanted people who don't add any value in your life..!!

Logic..!!! Thinking too much does nothing good, breathe in and stay relaxed..!!

Logic..!!! We know that life comes with expiry date, let us set ourselves free from ego and enjoy simple things in life that will make our soul smile and shine..!!

Well...All I would say is let each one of us be logical in life and live it in such a way that it doesn't do any harm to others...! So simple..!!


Travel....To Explore & Experience..!!

Travel..!!!! To see it's beautiful creation..!!

Travel..!!!! To give into your passion for it..!!

Travel..!!!! If you have the money to do so..!!

Travel..!!!! To meet amazing people and learn..!!

Travel..!!!! To taste the various cuisine, your taste buds will love it..!!

Travel..!!!! It enriches your soul with different experiences..!!

Travel..!!!! It helps your mind to widen up and open..!!

Travel..!!!! Give your eyes a chance to see beautiful locations..!!

Travel..!!!! It helps you gain knowledge on travel..!!

Travel..!!!! On your own, it will help you become independent..!!

Travel..!!!! On back pack, it's the best way to discover every inch of the place..!!

Travel..!!!! With your friends or partner, it helps in having a close bonding..!!

Travel..!!!! With a good book to accompany you, it can be your best friend in long journeys..!!

Travel..!!!! It will also help you to be a good travel writer..!!

Travel..!!!! You will end up making life long friends..!!

Travel..!!!! Possible chances of meeting your soul mate..!!

Travel..!!!! Take a map and choose your destination..!!

Travel..!!!! Get to know the local people and bond with them..!!

Travel..!!!! Explore the lesser known places, they can be the fantastic too..!!

Travel..!!!! It can be the best thing to happen to you..!!

Travel..!!!! Use different means of transport to make your journey adventurous..!!

Travel..!!!! If the opportunity is give to you to do so..!!

Travel..!!!! To experience different cultures that world offers..!!

Travel..!!!! There is a big world our there..!!

Travel..!!!! because we all love it..!!

Travel so because, the world is beautiful and fascinating..!! We all need to EXPLORE TO EXPERIENCE IT..!!

Monday, 15 July 2013

Love And Heart...Both Are Loved!!

Our heart is a cocooned place in us where all possible emotions oozes out for us to feel and experience it, each emotion that comes from it gives us a chance to express ourselves which are at times unknown to human beings and yes it applies to all other living being on this planet, the variations of emotional functionality that is present is truly amazing....The heart is an independent organ which has its command over us and knows its job damn well, It is we who unconsciously put it through enormous stress which the heart doesn't deserve it at all....Heart a powerful organ in our body that teaches us how to love...!! Our heart fills us up with love and love lights us up, and we in turn light up other's life with love..it is like a chain reaction..!!

Love and heart go hand in hand, its like both can't function without each other as they need to help one another to express the need for love. But love do comes with its own package at times, nothing comes easy for some they have to fight or strive for it and those lucky will simply glide through it and enjoy the experience...Love comes in different forms to us as to teach and we learn from it, and let it known to others, it just simply goes on and on....

Love is a beautiful expression which goes beyond it's understanding, there is always give and take which is expected, if it is unconditional than nothing like it, just feels totally awesome..In love is such emotion, it has a vastness to it, love comes in so many variations all we have to free as to give and receive without too much thought into it...Love makes the heart beat faster with all it's glory and excitement...Love is so universal, such an expression that one can't deny feeling it..!!

Why love emotion is such an emotion that we humans forget about everything that exists around us and all we do is keep floating in the air like flying birds sometimes refusing to sit on the branch and look into it as where will the love take us, if it is good then you are blessed if not then it is a lesson to learn to take care until the next love comes by and you know how to handle it with precaution...Love is such an emotion which can't be forced if it's a mutual then the union of it is superbly marvelous that one can engulf into it awesomeness...Very reason it is said that love makes the world go around...So well said!!

Our heart is the other side of our expression of love and to be loved!! Let us embrace it, in whatever form it comes to us...!!


Reasons To Smile..?? Check My List On It..!!!

Smile...!!!! And let the world smile along with you..!!

Smile....!!!! It does improve our face value..!!

Smile....!!!! It looks good on you...!!

Smile....!!!! It does not cost a dime...!!

Smile...!!!! Let the curve set in...!!

Smile...!!!! It does brighten someone else's face too...!!

Smile...!!!! It is the best cosmetic medicine ever know for face to erase the wrinkles....!!

Smile...!!!! It brings in the twinkle in our eyes...!!

Smile...!!!! One smile to another smile, it passes around...!!

Smile...!!!! Flaunts your teeth set...!!

Smile...!!!! Simply because it is contagious...!!

Smile...!!!! When sad too, it makes you forget the pain..!!

Smile...!!!! Even when someone is angry at you...!!

Smile..!!!! Without reason too, even though it will make you feel like an idiot..!!

Smile...!!!! When words are not enough to express yourself...!!

Smile..!!!! It spreads good vibes in your body...!!

Smile...!!!! So your mind can think better...!!

Smile...!!!! When you think of that someone...!!

Smile...!!!! To de-stress yourself and your face muscles...!!

Smile...!!!! While watching a good movie on love...!!

Smile...!!!! When you talk good about someone..!!

Smile...!!!! After you finish reading an enjoyable book..!!

Smile...!!!! When you receive a flirty text on your cell phone..!!

Smile...!!!! At a stranger and you will get it back...!!

Smile...!!!! Till it becomes a habit to do so with ease...!!

Above all this keep smiling because YOU ARE SPECIAL..!!! :)

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Grit...Determination...Perseverance...Our 'GOALS'!!

All these three words have similar meaning to it....Which one do we choose?

Yesterday, i watched a movie which was based on a well known athlete runner, but being famous in the sport world didn't come easy as the amount of physical pain, emotional sacrifices, trial and errors  and self determination that goes along with all this into making oneself achievable is truly amazing!! Nothing can beat it!! 

The words are not simple ones just to say it - in it lies sweat, sacrifices, tremendous self strength, strong emotions, practicality, will power to face even the hardest challenges that life throws towards us,  and above all hard work combined with a tough soul that will determined where you see yourself achieving the set goals which you always have dreamt of reaching towards it...

Everyone starts life having certain plans (so called goals) and sees that come what may one should reach there..But at times, it might take time to see it happening , we as humans have the mental tendency stating that everything should happen or materialize soon so that the wait shouldn't be 'long'..But again! here is the hitch about us humans, mid way we tend to give up on our self just because we simply lose our determination to see the set goals blooming!! Just not done isn't it!!...Let me add a small quote here..There is a saying that "Rome wasn't build in a day"! No need to explain more on the quote, it says everything!! 

Why can't our life be like a garden, where we plant the seed of our planned goals, nurture it lovingly and see it blooming beautifully in front of our eyes. Of course! Even a plant has to withstand the environmental harshness and challenges and endures it bravely to see itself growing to become a strong healthy tree, isn't it? But due to lack of mental patience from our side, all we do is uproot the plant (our goals) mid way from the garden and toss it into a ditch, and there we see all the effort that one puts into it vanishes into thin air, why do we end up behaving in such a way? Secondly, no  matter in which phase in life are we and age, there shouldn't be a full stop to achievement in life...Life is all about progressing in what ever way we want to see it going...Our life is like water, pour it in any mould and see it taking shape!! 

But does achieving goals in life happens soon at a snap of our fingers? It is that magical? No! I do not think anyone will agree on this..! Guess not even me!!

No matter if we want to achieve soon or later but everything has it's time to blossom, can we as humans learn to come to terms in understanding this? If we do, then no amount of frustration can take away the 'Grit..Determination..And Perseverance from us!

Then why give up?! Why not see it blooming?!



Saturday, 13 July 2013

Movies....Larger Than Life!!

Absolutely yes! We all from different sizes and ages love to watch movies that take us in a different fantasy world where everything seems possible to do and get things done our way....Beat up the bad people endlessly, fly in the air, drive like crazy on the maddening traffic road, shoot at with super aim...And the fantasy list of doing things right goes on...ha :) :)

Comes the weekend and we check which is the next happening movie doing good at the cinema hall, read all the possible reviews on it, call up friends and share with them, check to see every possibilities if tickets would be available at the ticket counter and being in the queue and having endless patience to buy tickets no matter the price of it makes everything worthwhile, then again check with friends if the plans for watching the movie is concrete....Any last minute back outs or changes, damn! all breaks loose :) :)

Well...It just doesn't end here....What about the popcorn, beverages, snacks, ice creams..etc..etc..?? Aren't we going to buy some of these stuff at the eatable counter ?....Without all these stuff in our hands, watching the movie would definitely be 'incomplete', and who cares how much all these cost?? Do we?? Some weekend(s) is simply a splurging time along with family and friends...Am I right here? ;)

Once we are inside the dark room sitting comfortably on the push back cushioned chairs nothing beat the way our minds starting feeling being in the fantasy atmosphere...The way the audience reacts at a particular scene, one knows that the movie is surely going to be on the 'hit' list or very much talked about and to confess even I am one of those audience who will cheer and applaud at the hero to see that he fixes everything right and also rescues the damsel who is always in distress..ha ha :) :) this is what the movies do to us! We for that particular moment or hour, or so forget that the movies are all fictional but yet somewhere at the back of our mind we wish can some of the stuff can be little true? No! Movies are movies, they are meant for entertainment to make us feel good when we need little escape from mundane life that we live....If anyone agrees on this statement, please do let me know! :)

As said, movies...are always going to be larger than life!!!

Today being a weekend I might just do that..!!! Watch a movie!!

Woooo...hooooo...way to go my hero ;) ;) Here I come to applaud you! ha ha :) :)


Friday, 12 July 2013

The Rain...Paper Boats...And Memories!! :)

Today has been such a rainy day and just couldn't stop of thinking paper boat memories that goes along with the rain...And to add to it I happen to find the perfect picture to my memories that i couldn't help penning my thoughts on this wonderful rainy day :)

The way the rain showers it awesomeness on us and including on Mother Earth, undoubtedly brings out the excitement in anyone so much that getting drenched in spite of using all protection to save us from it, it does find its way to soak us no matter what....Some of us would gladly jump into the pouring rain to dance in its glory.... So fun!!

The monsoon always takes us back to our memory lane, especially memories of school days, jumping into every puddle that comes on the way to school, or when the students used to get wet on the way to school or teachers finding it difficult to commute by local transport would always call in saying they can't make it to school and that would be the best part when we used to get half day and run home happily again jumping into the same puddle without complains of getting wet...just the thought makes us feel good, isn't it? Do you agree on this??

Another memory would always be being at home on a heavy down pour, when all one could do it sit by the window and hear the sound of the rain on the window pane or on the tiled roof top...Or as said, the down pour of rain brings out the romance into picture either by reading a romantic book ;) or watching a equally romantic movie to bring out the best of the monsoon effect ;) or going on a ride in the rain ;) or just spend time together eating on hot piping snacks and also sipping hot tea/coffee....sigh!! Are these kind of days still do exist in this most modern life that we live? Or are there the hard core romantic people still re-live these moments in the monsoon??? Or have people just forgotten how to enjoy and have little fun in the rain? Come on, monsoon is a seasonal and why not make whatever one can during this time?....Looking at the drastic changes in the climate happening around us one never knows if we will get to witness such down pour of the that it offers us without any complains...

And yes! I love the paper boats even though till now I haven't mastered the skill of making them on my own, so when I turn into a child and want to float the paper boats, my mother happily makes them for me ;) ;)

So while it bestows on us its best pour let us bring out the child within us that wants to be out there floating the paper boats or simply dancing to the rain beat....let us enjoy to the fullest :)

Pitter..patter...pitter..patter..here comes the rain!!! :) :)


Thursday, 11 July 2013

The Dark Side Of Life.....

When i heard Kelly Clarkson's song - Dark Side for the first time on radio, it drove me to tears (I have the song on my cell phone too). A song that describes how we are afraid to show others our dark life (do not that this statement in a wrong way), dark side is all about what a person goes through various emotions in life by experiencing different phases that life has to offer...

The root of one's dark side stems from difficult childhood, unstable family patterns, eating disorders, unhealthy peer pressure, substance abuse, weight issues, emotional un-stability, depression and so on....All these darkness grows not from the outside source but within the same source where one tries to bloom into it's own skin but at times due to it's own weakness or lack of inner strength succumbs to unhealthy form of acceptance to ease the pain..
But those who go through the darkness in their life why can't they come forward and ask for help to make life better? Are they afraid that they will be rejected or not shown any love  or little compassion knowing from which dark side of life they are coming from?  But if we don't then who will? Do we have to literally beg to others to show some decent emotions of approval, like the lyrics in the song? It is truly sad that a human find it difficult to understand each other when in such need...

Let us not shy away or hide ourselves behind a false facade and put on a equally fake smile plastered on our faces pretending that all is well in our world when in reality we need someone to reach out to us and erase the suffering of unwanted emotional pain one endures in his/her journey...Or we feel shy to even shown little acceptance even like a gentle relationship like friendship to such people thinking the society will condemn it or label that everyone is the same...We always worry about the mind of our society than our own lives...Just not done!

We can't deny that we all want to be loved and cared which makes the journey in life a smooth sailing...we want to be accepted no matter what we have done irrespective of the consequences that we face and still have the strength to move on in life for a better progress.

If one has heard the song of Kelly Clarkson 'Dark Side' and give a proper ear to the lyrics one will understand what all it means and what i am trying to say here....I like all her songs cause besides being famous music artist, she has been and seen her side of dark side in life and by reaching out to others who had the same side, she has emerged a winner.... :) :) I SIMPLY LOVE THE SONG!!!

We all have a dark side which is nothing to be ashamed off...Everyone has a dark side that's just what makes us human because we are not perfect....Don't give up on yourself and don't run away from it!!!

I would say never hide or suppress yourself in expressing your side of emotions in other words it heals your soul....No one's life is picture picture..!!

It is all reaching out and making an attempt to make a difference in someone's life and guide them to their proper destination....What a better place this world can be then?!!!

P.S. If you want to listen to the song, here is the link to the song along with lyrics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5ZUZjhX2qU


Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Is It Really Our Life?..Or...?

As the title says 'Is it really our life'? are we all living it? No...Not really!! Cause we have in a way have forgotten what it means to live our life the way we plan it or we give our own lives in other's hands to plan it for us, isn't it the fact/truth in it???

Why do we all surrender our own life to others to plan as what they feel it should be and where it should head towards their planned journey and towards their satisfaction...do we feel satisfied by being a part of this so called planned life by other's????Why we come under stress to live it that way? Why can't we have the right or freedom to design our own path and head right into it?

Our life right from birth is determined as what the person is going to do not even know if that what the person really wants to be?? Why aren't we given the chance to make the decision even why at times we might not be sure if this is it (yes! agreed we do make mistakes but isn't it a part of learning and improving on it?)...but what the heck, it is our life and we have absolute authority over it. Life can't be what other make of it, it is our own note book and we will fill the blank pages no matter in which way it is written...

Words like sacrifices, compromises, unhappiness, suppressed desired feelings, other's unfulfilled hopes and wishes which are not gone right as per their consideration, where does all this make the desired person head too?? As for me, 'no where' cause all these make the individual filled with guilt and suffer low esteem, in other words all this leads to lack of desired achievements in one's life....sad...sad...and what a waste of one's life being on this planet.

Are we really scared to bring in the change on our life? Are we not confident to take small step towards our goals with our own self planning? Is the small step that dreadful?? Or we lose the inner strength to break the chains that bound us all...Why do we have to live a conditioned life?? Why are we born then???

Having been through this same journey, I have come to realize that we all do have the absolute right to know and plan our lives with a strong inner strength knowing that we will be strong enough to pass through the blocked walls that others have put around us...Our own inner strength guides us with courageous anecdote that once we realize it, our worth which brings out the shining light that ignites the whole existence in us....

Let's stop and think for a moment to check ourselves. Where is it that we are and where is it we would like to be? Isn’t life supposed to be simple? That is what everyone mostly says, then why are we complicating it so much with all so called conditions that goes along with it??

Can we all make an attempt to bring in the change in our lives and live it to the fullest..??
We are all born to live 'only' one life here..!!! This statement is an absolute truth and nothing or no one change it ...I can defy that!!!! :))

I am on my own journey that’s for sure, taking a step at a time....loving it!!

So I would say ‘let's live our life and let just live it’...!!!


Tuesday, 9 July 2013

My Space - My Dairy..!!

I have heard people keep or rather have dairies as their secret friend who they confide in to about every thing that goes in their everyday life...that means have we lost faith or trust in having a equally good trustworthy friend who keep our secrets to themselves? but on second thoughts what is one hiding from? Why the secret dairy needed? And how many collection of dairies are we going to have?..Thoughts..and more thoughts on this!

which is more easy to keep one's thoughts on: Dairy of Blog?!

Dairy: Need to use a pen to write all and empty the mind, if an error, strike it out with the pen and overwrite or tear the page and toss it in the dust bin..and start all over again writing it...but i know it feels personal and as the quote says 'the pen is mightier than the sword' :) :)

Blog: No paper dairy here and no pen!! But it is more convenient to make all the corrections just by using the 'delete' or 'backspace' key on the laptop and you are done updating it again...Yes! If all personal thoughts or feelings are out there, it doesn't give the personal touch to it and to make it bit intrusion there will be comments to it from other's who we don't even know...ha! :)

whichever way it is to it...being open as how one's feels about self is more important and expressing it (i'm sure there are many out there who will feel the same ) than being in hiding and suffer in silence!!!

Need to do some more thinking on this!!!



Another Day Comes To An End..!!!

Another day has come to an end...are the days, time or months passing by that fast?.... I'm not going to stress my mind thinking on it now! :) ;)

Done with the routine evening set of yoga, must say it is truly a stress buster in every sense of it...the amount of sweat that our body can give out is just awesome, hats off to our amazing body!! :))...had a relaxed dinner and set thinking at the same time as what do i write on the blog 'My Space' that was created today, my mind said: it is your space, so just be yourself and let it out...loved what my mind told me and that is exactly what i intend to do 'just be myself and speak it out'  otherwise doesn't make sense creating a blog that says 'My Space'..isn't it? :) :)

Hmmm...bedtime is nearing....tomorrow another day to look forward to..but 'no', don't want to think on it at this moment...all i'm going to is brush my teeth and set off to bed and 'yes' want to dream something good that will make me smile when i open my eyes ;) ;) ;)...not bad!!! :) :)

As always, want to thank God for giving a wonderful day (can't miss on this), even though it was not a productive day at work :)

Good night!!


My First Blog...!!!


Today on this very blog 'My Space' was created with my colleague's help (so true that learning something new never ends), if one puts it mind into learning something new and is equally eager to put it into action then there is no stopping to one's excitement to see it happen and that is what exactly happened to me and this blog was created in no time...so i'm going to welcome myself and my thoughts here..!! :)

I don't now yet what i'm going to write on, but the feeling of just being here excites me :) :).. I know this will give me a platform to pour out my feelings or simply being silly here or even bring out ideas that play on my mind... to say it i have a very busy mind though!! Putting all of me out here will surely ease my mind to relax it more so it would be a wonderful stress buster...Think i'm already liking it being here.!!! :) :) Way to go gal..!! :)

Thank's Anur for helping me to create My Space :) :)

Good luck to me!
